I'm Rambling About Social Media Again

don't be surprised if you hear me talking about it in the future

So, If you had asked me a couple of years ago whether I could imagine running my business without using social media, I would have said NO.

I mean, let's face it - Instagram and TikTok have become such a big part of our daily lives that it's hard to imagine not using them.

I have been using Instagram to promote my business since 2020, and it has helped me a lot during the pandemic, not only for my business but in general. It was a nice distraction from everything that was happening during the pandemic.

However, I don't enjoy using Instagram as much as I used to.

Every time I take a break from it, I feel that I just don't want to be there as much as before, and I am more inclined to step back from social media. Not entirely, but every time I take a break from IG, something switches in my brain.

For example.

Recently, in March, I took a month-long break from Instagram, and it gave me a lot of time to think. During this time, I started working on my blog, which I'm still in the process of building. I loved the focus I had and how much progress I was making.

However, when I returned to Instagram in April, I found myself showing up there almost every day, which caused me to lose focus on my blog. It took away lots of my time.

I realized that if I wanted to finish building my blog, I couldn't do both Instagraming and blogging.

IG turned out to be a great distraction. Too big to ignore it.

But anyway.

Last week, something interesting happened. I stumbled upon a 5-day summit about "Growing your business without social media."

It was such an eye-opening experience to hear from all these amazing women entrepreneurs who talked about how they manage their businesses without relying solely on social media.

Although most of them had social media accounts, they didn't use them as their main tool for business growth.

It was truly inspiring to the point that I decided to change my relationship with social media.

I decided to shift my focus from Instagram to my blog.

Until now, I have thought about what to post on Instagram every day. But now, my priority will be creating content for my blog, and then, if I have time and energy, I'll post it on IG.

But what's the whole point of this ramble, you may ask?

Well, you will definitely see me less on IG. I'll be focusing on creating content for my blog.

Anyway, I’m super curious how this new shift will turn out, and I can't wait to see the results. And I’m actually super excited about this change, too.

I'm really curious to know how you feel about your relationship with social media. Do you think you have a good balance, or do you think there's room for improvement? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Well, I guess it will be all for today.

Social media is one of my favourite topics to talk about, so don't be surprised if you hear me talking about it in the future.

Since social media is part of our daily lives now, I think It's really important to be aware of the potential pitfalls. With algorithms that are designed to keep us hooked and engaged, it's easy to fall into the trap of spending too much time scrolling and not enough time living in the moment.

And that's what unfortunately happened to me. But that's another story.

That's all for today, my friend.


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